The Nautilus Nitro Biceps Curl features a raised-arm design that maximizes muscle contraction.
Nautilus Evo® equipment adapts itself to the way the body moves instead of forcing users to adapt to the machine. Our four-bar linkage system and cam have been designed to dynamically mirror the body’s strength curve. Nautilus users get immediate, smooth resistance and proper muscle loading through the complete range of motion and gives users the ability to change the weight in 5 lb increments with no add-on stack. Evo offers unprecedented results from the First Name in Strength.
GYM SOLUTIONS, supplying Quality Commercial Strength & Cardio Equipment since 2010.
Please note, pricing excludes GST, Delivery & Installation fees. Talk with one of our trained professionals today to see how we can help you! We sell loads of New, Used & Remanufactured Equipment and we also have Finance options available for commercial clients.
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